Thursday 24 March 2011

Was it Red oR was it Lee...yes its the iNdiaNs makiNg the aussie pee..PoNtiNg is beggiNg dowN oN 1 knNe..AustRaLia valoo iNdiaNs aRe sayiNg TUHADI BHEN DI.... ;)

INdia eNded AustRaLia's 12-yeaR WorLd Cup domiNatioN, with SachiN TenduLkaR LeadiNg a staR-studded battiNg LiNeup to a five-wicKet victoRy which set up a cLassic semifiNal agaiNst aRchRivaL PakistaN.
The AustraLians, unbeateN in 34 consecutive World Cup Matches untiL back-to-back defeats to PakistaN and INdia withiN six days.
CaptaiN Ricky PoNting aNsweRed the cRitics who caLLed foh hiM to retiRe or be fiRed as captaiN, graftiNg 104 froM 118 baLLs to aNchor AustRaLia's 260 foh six, buh it wasN't eNough to save the defeNding champioNs.
INstead, it was the briLLiant but soMetiMes brittLe INdiaN battiNg LiNeup that woN out oveR AustraLia's Raw pace trio of Brett Lee, Mitchell JohNson N Shaun Tait.
TenduLkar (53) and GautaM GaMbhir (50) set the course but in a seesawiNg match, INdia aLmost coNspiRed to Lose it iN a jittery middLe-oRdeR slide before Yuvraj SiNgh guided the hosts hoMe with aN unbeateN 57.

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