Thursday 24 March 2011

LORD BE WITH Me..>>>>>>!!!!

Oh Lord, donNn Let My coNfideNce die eveR,
So what if path is tough,
so what if my heaRt is aLoNe, 
So what if shoRe is diM,
so what if suN doesN't shiNe,
So what if I have to waLk aLoNe in the daRk,
i kNow, You aRe with Me !!!!

If You perMit,
I caN bRiNg the suNLight uNdeR aNy shadow,
I caN Make success hug iNto My aRMs,
Buh My wish stiLL ReMaiNs the saMe,
Oh LoRd, doNn Let My coNfideNce die eveR !!!!

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