Wednesday 23 March 2011

TiMe foh the kNock-out puNch: INDIA pLay Oz today * QuestioN maRk oveR Sehwag’s fitNess * WiNner wiLL pLay PakistaN in MohaLi..

Virender Sehwag, it seeMs, has Not yet fuLLy RecoveRed froM his kNee iNfLammatioN N his fitNess was a cause of conceRn for hosts India oN the eve of the crucial kNockout quaRterfiNal tie agaiNst Australia at the SaRdaR PateL Stadium at Motera heRe..

Foh Me today cricket’s equivaLeNt of BraziL vs GermaNy oR Italy vs ArgentiNa iN a footbaLL WoRLd Cup — a high voLtage coNtest. India vs Australia is the match of the quarterfiNaLs N a  match of the champioNship. I'LL say today'z match is a MINI-FINAL....

DhoNi said “We’ll Not tRy to go foR the bRoke,” “We’ll keep smaLLeR taRgets iN miNd. ControLLiNg emotioNs wiLL be a big factor, but I thiNk Most of the IndiaN cricketeRs are good at it. We wiN some aNd we Loose soMe.”....................N d otheR By Me "HUM HAR MATCH NHI JEET SAKTE,KYUNKI BAAKI SAARI TEAMS YAHAN LOLIPOP NAHI KHAANE AAYI HAIN...."

NeXt to watch wiLL B D gReatest of oL MASTER BLASTER "SACHIN TENDULKAR" LooKiNg ahead foh his 100th iNteRNatioNaL huNdRed today....WhetheR or Not TeNduLkar gets 100th ceNtury, India wiLL be LookiNg foh a substaNtial contRibutioN fRom the Little MasteR, particuLarLy cozz of the unceRtaiNty oveR the avaiLabiLity of ViReNdeR Sehwag foR the game. A LOT wiLL depeNd oN how India staRt — in both battiNg and bowLiNg — which Means peRformaNce of Sehwag (if he is fit) aNd TenduLkar wiLL be cruciaL to the team’s chaNces..

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