Friday 25 March 2011

'I Love the way I shy afteR seeiNg you !! '

ONe day, i pRoMised to MyseLf...

I wiLL see a mawNiNg with you; LyiNg by uaah side,

I LOVE the way you wake up afteR youR Nap; coNfused but stiLL sweet !!
I LOVE the way you touch the tip of youR Nose with youR coat's cuff !!
I LOVE the way your hairs fall on your chin; running on it smoothly !
I LOVE the way you settle your hairs again & again !
I LOVE the way you sit alone, and keep thinking for long !
I LOVE the way you walk hanging your bag and putting your fingers in the strips of the same !
I LOVE the way you eNjoy each second of you Life !!!!

                               'I Love the way I shy afteR seeiNg you !! '


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