Wednesday, 30 November 2011

ReasoNs Why "I LOVE YOU"

.."I LOVE YOU".. These thRee woRds caN chaNge SoMebody's Life. At Least wheN they aRe MeaNt FRoM the heaRt. Love is oNe of the key iNgRedieNts, aNd aN iMpoRtaNt VaLue iN Life. They say that oNLy the Lucky oNes get Love iN Life. So wheN you fiNd that SpeciaL SoMeoNe to Nove, and who Loves you back, you Need to Let theM kNow why you feeL the way you feeL. These "ReasoNs why I Love you" aRe what diffeReNtiates Love, FRoM commoN RuN of the MiLL AttRactioN! ALso, I beLieve, that iN TRue Love, you Need to be abLe to piN PoiNt the ReasoNs foR Love. So, if you find aLL these ReasoNs in uah FeeLiNgs foR the PeRsoN, it is Most LikeLy, Love! Also checK out these SigNs of beiNg iN Love anNd what is Love?, for help.

No. 1 ReasoNs Why I Love You
You aRe aLways theRe wheN I Need you. Not that I oNLy caLL you wheN I Need you, oR that I use you. But, you have aN abiLity to see beyoNd My SeLf-PRotective "I doNn Need help" stance. You see that I Need heLp, aNd you aRe theRe. No QuestioNs, No expectatioNs, No demaNds. Sometimes, you foRce Me to take youR heLp. It aNgeRs Me, but I kNow you MeaN weLL.

No. 2 ReasoNs Why I Love You
You aNNoy Me at timMs. But, I stiLL LoNg foh you wheN you aRe Not ARouNd. You have the abiLity to get to Me. YouR stupid aNtics Make Me SMiLe, Laugh as well as get ANgRy. But, eveN wheN I PReteNd to be aNgRy oR aNnoyed, I kNow that I just waNt you by My side. YouR CoMpaNy is woRth aLL the embaRRassMeNt iN the woRLd.

No. 3 ReasoNs Why I Love You
This SectioN has two PaRts. The FiRst oNe foR woMeN aNd the secoNd foR MeN.

ReasoNs foR Why I Love Him
He PRotects Me, PhysicaLLy aNd eMotioNaLLy aNd I aLways feeL safe aRouNd hiM. WheN he sees Me waLkiNg thRough a CRowd, I see his face Light up. He Looks at Me with Love aNd Not Lust. Yes, I kNow he LoNgs to touch Me, but he NeveR FoRced his desiRes oveR My coMfoRt. He doesN't CaLL Me Sexy, oR hot, he CaLLs Me beautifuL. What's MoRe, wheN he Calls Me that, I FeeL BEAUTIFUL !!

ReasoNs foR Why I Love Her
She is FeMiNiNe, but Not FeebLe. I kNow that ouR iNteRests doNn aLways Match, but she Makes eveRy atteMpt to Give My INteRests a chaNce. WheN I waLk iNto a Room, I See a SPaRkLe iN heR eyes. She is ALways a Lady wheN ARouNd My FRieNds, but oNLy I kNow the chiLd iNside heR. WheN she Looks iNto Ma eyes, I caN feeL heR PRobiNg iNto My SouL, kNowiNg My deepest feaRs aNd thoughts. She kNows I M "ALL MAN", but she still accepts it wheN I get chiLdish, aNd CaRes foR Me wheN I M sicK. She is BEAUTIFUL !

No. 4 ReasoNs Why I Love You
You made the atteMpt to kNow My FRieNds. I kNow you didN't Like ALL of them. But, you weRe civiL with theM, aNd didN't coMpLaiN about them. You PaRticipated iN ouR GRoup eveNts aNd was by My side. Like My suppoRt, My awaRd aNd My PRide. You defeNded Me wheN My FRieNds tRied to take My case, aNd PuLLed My Leg. You aRe My Best FRieNd.

No. 5 ReasoNs Why I Love You
You iNtroduced Me to aLL uah FRieNds. Not because I was PaRticuLaRLy awesoMe, but because you beLieved I was. You bRagged about Me to youR FRieNds aNd kept steaLiNg GLaNces aLL the way. You PRepped Me befoRe I Met them, aNd heLd My haNd wheN you thought I wouLd get NeRvous. AfteR MeetiNg aLL youR FRieNds, you toLd Me how GReat I was. I saw you caLL youR FRieNd LateR (wheN you thought I was asLeep), aNd say that "I doN't beLieve I FiNaLLy fouNd LOVE !!". I was touched !!

TheRe aRe MaNy MoRe ReasoNs Foh LoviNg SoMeoNe. But the ReasoNs foh why you Love SomeoNe that I have GiveN above, PRobabLy gave you the hiNt of how it Goes. You caN take theM as ReasoNs foh why I LOVE My GIRLFRIEND( THE ONE Jo abhi hai Nhi iN My CASE :D :D ), oR ReasoNs foh why I Love My boyfRieNd oR Reasons for why I Love that PeRson who doesN't kNow how I TRuLy FeeL. I kNow My ReasoNs aRe Not Like LOVE Quotes by ShakespeaRe, but they aRe suReLy TRue! WheN iN LOVE, you have to be FRieNds. ALways be hoNest aNd NeveR stRay. LoVe CoMes with a Lot of tRust, aNd NeveR Leaves (I Guess I AgRee with CeLiNe DioN about this). So, wheN you fiNd that o-so speciaL PeRsoN, who deseRves youR LOVE, keep him/heR, aNd cheRish eveRy MoMeNt. FoR LOVE kNocks but oNce, aNd seLdoM coMes bacK wheN the dooR is uNansweRed! This is wheRe I SigN off !!

Friday, 28 October 2011

That GiRL...!!

Tonight I'm feeling fine,
I'm alone, just wasting time,
No Friday movie nights,
Or romantic candle lights,

I'm just having conversations,
With the thoughts in my head,
All I hear are angels crying,
Oh, won't they just sing instead,
It would be wrong for me to say,
I don't need that girl by my side,
I don't need that girl in my life,
I don't want to talk it out,
Or hold her when she cries,
I don't want to say she's my kind
I don't want to say that she's mine,
I don't want to tell her that,
I love her more than life,
More than life !

Honestly, this won't do
How is she doing?
I tell myself I'm feeling swell,
But I know I'm such a fool,
I could take it as a new beginning,
But you know I don't feel that way,
Who will take all this pain away?
I know it's wrong for me to say!

I love her more than life
More than life!

Talk about a sin,
Was the day I walked into the other side,
I would run back in,
I wouldn't waste no time,
I know it's wrong for me to say,

I love her more than life

Monday, 1 August 2011

30 Days..!!

Boy and Girl are sitting alone in the park one night....
Boy: I guess we are the left overs in this world....
Girl: I think so...All of my friends have boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left in this world without any special person in our life...
Boy: Yup I don't know what to do?
Girl: I know! We'll play a game.
Boy: What game?
Girl: I’ll be your girlfriend for 30 days and you will be my boyfriend.
Boy: That's a great plan in fact i don't have nothing to do much this following weeks...

DAY 1:

They watched their first movie and they both touched each other in a romantic film.

DAY 4:

They went to the beach and have a picnic. Boy and Girl have their quality time together.

DAY 12:

Boy invited Girl to a circus and they ride on a Horror House....Girl was scared and she touched Boy's hand but she touched someone else's hand and they both laughed.

DAY 15:
They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice and the fortune teller said: "My darling, Please don't waste the time of your life...Spend the rest of your time together happily", then tears flow out from the teller's eyes.

DAY 20:

Girl invited Boy to go to the hill and they saw a meteor...Girl mumbled something

DAY 28:

They sat on the bus and because of a bumpy road Girl gave her first kiss to Boy by accident.

DAY 29:

Girl and Boy sat in the park where they first decided to play this game...
Boy: I'm tired ...Do you want any drinks? I'll buy you one. I'll just go down the
Girl: Apple Juice that's all.
Boy: Wait for me....

20 minutes later... a stranger approached

Girl …

Stranger: Are you a friend of that Boy?
Girl: Why yes? What happened?
Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over boy and he is critical in the hospital...


The doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter.

Doctor: We found this in boy's pocket.

Girl reads the letter and it says:

'These past few days, I realized, you are really a cute girl and i am really falling for you...
You cherish smile, you’re everything when we played this game..
Before this game would end...I would like you to be my girlfriend for the rest of my life.
I love you....'

Girl crumples the paper and shouted:

"I don't want you to die... I love you...Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me.... I love you! You cannot do this to me”

Then the clock strikes 12

Boy's heart starts pumping....


You know, what happened next?
That was not the boy actually; it was girl’s dream that she saw when she slept while crying near the boy!
Love is eternal!
Love the world, You will Feel the same :)

..CaN I buy youR tiMe ??

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.

SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'

DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.

SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'

DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.

SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'

DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'

SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.

SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'

The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.

The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?

After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think:

Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.

'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.

'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.'

The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.

The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.

The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.

'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.

'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness..

It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love.

If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours, but the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.

Sunday, 8 May 2011


Hey eveRyoNe !!!

I feeL this is a phase we bLoggers face soMetiMes wheN we have No thoughts to shaRe aNd eveN if we have they aRe Not coMpLete !!!
Same is the case with Me Nowdays !!!

I PRoMise I wiLL be bacK sooN with My New post oN somethiNg which wiLL be baKwaas Like My PRevious Posts,
A coLLectioN of HaRkucchhhh... !!

TiLL theN you have a LooK oN this oNe which I gave to My MoM oN heR biRthday though MoRe thaN a MoNth has passed buh I diNn get the tiMe to share dis , so today i thought oN dis MOTHER'S DAY i ll shaRe dis with eveRyoNe..!!!!

Foh Me this May Be dis is My favouRite aNd best cReatioN eveR aNd cLose to My heaRt Like aNythiNg !!!!

 ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,
MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai,
aaNsu MeRi aaNkh se chaLakta hai baad MeiN,
ApNe haR aaNsu ko MaiNe uNki aaNkh se tapakte dekha hai, ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,
MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai,

1.) Pehla KadaM JeevaN MeiN ChaLNa uNhoNe sikhaya tha,

Jab chaLa tha MaiN to uNki aaNkhoN MeiN,
MaiNe khushi ko paaya tha,
Tha wo PehLa aKshaR jo MaiNe uNke Liye kaha,
to uNki aaNkhon ko Khushi se bhaRa hua MaiNe paaya tha,

Aaj bhi apNe haR kadaM se uNki aankhoN ko ChaMakte deKha hai,

ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,
MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai,

2.) Koi Na SaMjhe PaR MeRi Soch ko wo jaaN jaati haiN,

MeRi haR khwahish ko Na jaaNe kaise MaaN jaati haiN,
Ho Mujhe jo koi,
TaKLeef ya chiNta,
to wo bhi aKsaR achaNak hi,
ho PaReshaaN jaati haiN,

ChiNta MeiN MeRi aKsaR AaNkhoN ko uNki,

Chup Chup kaR baRaste dekha hai,

ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,

MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai,
3.) Jab dagMagaata hooN RaahoN paR,
to wo Mujhe aKsaR SaMjhaati haiN,
Laakh GaLat chahe Main kahuN uNheiN,
PaR wo fiR bhi bhaLa hi sikhaati haiN,
AKsaR MeRi GaLti ko sahi wo thehaRaate huye,
duNiya se bhi AkeLe hi,
YuN hi Ladh Jaati haiN,

MeRi haR GaLti ko unheiN TaaLNe ko haNste deKha hai,

ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,
MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai..

4.) UNKe AaNchaL MeiN wo Jadoo hai ki,
haR duKh udh Jaata hai,
HaaRNe ka Ehsaas bhi,
DaRR ke Mudh Jaata hai,
Na JaaNe kya ChaMatkaaR hai uNki aaNkhoN ki MaMta MeiN,
ki pyaaR se Khushi ka Naata Sa Judh Jaata hai,

UNKe haathoN ko aKsaR AAj bhi MaiNe,

MeRi peeth ko thapaKte dekha hai,

ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,

MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai.

5.) JaauN jo kahiN to uNki aaNkheiN iNtzaaR MeiN kho Jaati haiN,
Jab taK theeK pahuNchta NahiN,
Wo kahaN so Paati haiN,
 EK paL bhi agaR biN bataaye maiN aaNkhoN se ojhaL ho jauN,
toh uNki aaNkheiN apNe aap hi,
biN Kuch kahe Ro Jaati haiN,

iNtzaaR MeiN MeRe aKsaR,

MaiNe uNko TaRaste deKha hai,

ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,

MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai.

6.) Jo Kuch wo kaRti haiN,

auR kisi ke bas ki baat NahiN,
uNke Liye Kuch kaR PaaNe ki,
hai MeRi auKaat NahiN,
hai Koshish haR khushi de pauN uNheiN,
uNheiN duKh ho jis se,
ho wo baat NahiN,

MaiNe apNi khwahishoN MeiN,

uNheiN aKsaR Khush auR haNste deKha hai,

ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,

MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai,
AaNsu MeRi AaNkh se chaLaKta hai baad meiN,
ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,
MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai,ApNe haR sapNe ko uNki aaNkhoN MeiN PaNapte deKha hai,
MaiNe ApNe haR duKh MeiN ApNi Maa ko tadapte dekha hai....

---uah  "KITANU".........

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


DeaR GiRL,

This is the Right tiMe to wRite this LetteR to soMeoNe who is out theRe somewheRe. I wiLL fiNd you sooN, doNn woRRy.

WheN I wiLL see you foh the first tiMe, I assuRe you that you wiLL feel that M LookiNg deep iNto uah heaRt aNd yeah, I hope you woNn feeL eMbaRRassed wheN My cLothes woNn Look good aNd won’t be aNnoyed if I wiLL take you to a gardeN instead of a Movie as a date.

I feeL, you wiLL Love Me despite My probLeMs that NoNe kNows yet, aNd if you waNn to go foR a diNneR, do Let Me kNow few weeKs befoRe because, to be fraNk, I waNt to make you feeL speciaL oveR theRe aNd comfoRtabLe iN My aRMs – I wiLL pLaN best foh you eveRy tiMe.

Yes, few moRe thiNgs pLease kNow- eveN if I act weaK, pLease hoLd My haNd because with each of youR touch, I get puRe aNd if I act stRoNg, Please, stiLL hoLd My haNd because you aRe the oNLy ReasoN behiNd My coNfideNce.

I PRoMise to be youRs, but as you kNow, I caNn be with you aLL the tiMe. And yes, pLease NeveR foRce Me to say ‘I Miss you’ iN froNt of aLL, you kNow that’s so eMbaRRassing, because I Miss you eveRy secoNd. But yes, I wiLL surely say ‘I LOVE YOU’ iN fRoNt of eveRyoNe, because that’s obvious aNd I woNn hide this tRuth.

I wiLL suReLy take care of you and youR Respect MoRe thaN MiNe.

We wiLL waLk sLowLy oN the Road wheRe the tRees wiLL Make a tuNNeL, suRRouNdiNg us aNd isoLatiNg us iN ouR owN smaLL LittLe woRLd. ANd pLease, pLease doNn put Makeup, because oNLy I kNow uah tRue beauty.

ANd theN, at that eveRy MoMeNt, I wiLL stop aNd wiLL Look deep iNto youR eyes, aNd wiLL geNtLy bRush back youR haiRs aNd wiLL teLL how Much I LOVE YOU!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

MotivatioNaL thought: : JiNko saMajh aa jae uNke Liye JaNnat aNd jiNhe Na aaye toh vo sab SaMajhNe ki koshish kaRLeNa...:

"....HaaRNe Ka DaRR auR JeetNe ki UMeed , iN doNo ke beech jo eK teNsioN vaaLa waqt hota hai Naa ,kaMaaL ka hotaa hai...!!

JeB khaaLi ho tabhi toh sapNe dekhNe chahiye, tabhi toh Jeb bhaRjaaNe ke baad uN sapNo ko puRa kiya ja saKta hai MeRe BHAI..!!"

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

!!.FighT with soMeoNe..!!

We are fightiNg.....
IN aN uNkNowN woRLd,
A foetus is dReaMiNg Life,
With a desiRe to see the woRLd outside...
ANd outside, we aRe fightiNg.....
IN the busy woRLd,
AN iNfaNt is seaRchiNg LOVE,
That’s a MotheR's PRide....
ANd MotheR, she is fightiNg.....
IN his owN woRLd,
A kid is LookiNg foR a haNd,
That suppoRts to waLk.....
And that suppoRt, the haNd is fightiNg.....
IN a New woRLd,
A teeN is fiNdiNg fRieNds,
They aRe the most tRusted oNes…
ANd fRieNds, they are fightiNg…..
Most aMaziNgLy,
The pLaNet is uNdergoiNg the Lack of strReNgth,
That assuRes joy foR aLL…
And that stReNgth, iNvoLved iN fightiNg…!!!
SoMe aRe fightiNg because…
They doNn Like otheRs, they have theiR ego,
They Live Low…
Some are fightiNg because…
They Need space, they Need poweR,
Not awaRe of the NaturaL oNes…
Fight for a gReat cause….
StaNd foh the uLtiMate achieveMeNt,
StaRt fightiNg Now…
Fight to maKe the aLive oNes, Not the dead oNes…
Fight to LOVE soMeoNe, a woRd is Not eNough…
Fight as a guide, Not just a NaMe…
Fight foR the GReeN, a LittLe is daNgeRous…
StaRt fightiNg……..
BefoRe it’s too late !!!

ANd She Left....:(:(

  M No MoRe oN aNy sociaL NetwoRkiNg websites. No taLkiNg teRms with aNyoNe. No RoaMiNg ARouNd uNnecessaRiLy aNd caN just say that afteR a veRy LoNg time The Tiger is shatteRed iNto pieces !!!! I doNn kNow wheN we got cLose why we got cLose buh each LooK of heR is so seeN iN eyes. M just so MuddLed that caNnt decide to eat or dRiNk wateR FRoM FRidge oR siNk. It's the heaRt which pLays with you and shit it was Me the victim this time. Why me ???? I so waNted to know but didn't had the baLLs of the saMe TigeR to asK heR WHY !! The Last Look of heRs was so NuMb. She couLdN't say a woRd but LateR which huRt Me More was the way she denied that what aLL happeNed. CaN uNdeRstaNd that it might wouLd be tough for her to say oR accept that but siLeNce wouLd have beeN betteR thaN deNyiNg. But it's just Me a LOOSER who woNn foRget this EVER. ANd I MeaN it. BeiNg MyseLf was somethiNg which I had the best aNd peopLe LooKed upoN Me that how caN He igNoRe eveRythiNg just like that, Now aNyoNe LooKs at Me is asking ALL GOOD ? aNd M just NUMB Like a Looser a dick which has beeN chopped aNd has beeN throwN iNto the bLack wateR wheRe the piRates goNna sLap My dicK eveRy secoNd aNd Make fuN of Me. I thiNk I deseRve this as weLL :)
It was a LoNg time that everythiNg was just TOO GOOD but twist was RequiRed. M ListeNiNg to Music aNd wheN Not am cRyiNg, wRitiNg heRe is just Like iNfoRmiNg heR that aM soRRy if you feLt that M Not the oNe foR you but she couLd have asKed Me oNce aNd shouLdN't have Lied. She has aLReady staRted igNoRiNg Me. DistaNces Makes LOVE GRoW STRoNgeR is what I thought TIMES BACK but Now this distaNce is goNna make a good maRk iN My Life which I woNn be eveR abLe to ReMove just Like the thiNg goes that I was oNce a stupid feLLow who was fouNd RidiNg a bike oN oNe wheeL. She kNows that I wRite soMetiMes but Last time I heaRd that it's beeN so LoNg you haveN't wRitteN aNythiNg and I just said that you aRe aLways cLoudiNg My MiNd aNd I just caNn do aNythiNg. Today heRe thoughts aRe MoRe thaN eveR but with a bad time a bad me aNd My bad LucK is agaiN just showN how awesome it caN be :)
I Miss you Now MoRe thaN aNythiNg I haVe eveR doNe aNd moviNg oN is a paRt of Life but this is the abNoRMaL Life of Me. YOU WILL BE BADLY MISSED......!!

Saturday, 16 April 2011


The LittLe MasteR doesNt seeM to waNt to stop. PLay MoRe ,scoRe MoRe seeMs to be his phiLosphy as he sLaMMed his maideN toN agaiNst the KOCHI TUSKERS yesteRday....
SouNds a Lot LiKe the phiLosphy of SPRAY MORE,GET MORE ;);)

..ENjoy Life BefoRe it ENjoys you coMpLeteLy......!!:)

..NeveR expext fRoM God...

You aRe Not the oNLy deVotee..

..NeveR expect fRoM Life.

It is Not foReveR..

NeveR expect froM destiNy.

It might betRay you..

NeveR expect fRoM youR famiLy.

EveRythNng is Not foh gRaNted..

NeveR expect fRoM youR fRieNds.

They Might have theiR owN desiRes..

EveN doNn expect fRoM youRseLf..

You Might Be wRoNg!!

It is betteR you woRk haRd...

FoLLow the right path..

ANd eaRN youR expectatioNs..!!


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Wat happeNed to PReetY ZiNta'z TASTE........Modi toh pehLe se hi thaRKi thaa...lolzz

SoMe of the veRy iNteRestiNg MOMENTS of IPL 4....

N Now Have dis 1......

IPL-4: LittLe kNowN VaLthaty pLays a bLiNdeR to wiN it foR KXIP........

Little known Mumbaikar Paul Valthaty stole the limelight with a blistering unbeaten 120 off only 63 deliveries as last year's wooden spooners Kings XI Punjab caused the first upset of the fourth edition of IPL with a six wicket victory over defending champions Chennai Super Kings.

Valthaty who has no first-class experience and till date has played only one List A match for Mumbai way back in 2006 hit 19 boundaries and two sixes as KXIP chased an improbable 189 needed for victory with five balls to spare.

Earlier, Adam Gilchrist elected to field and CSK made 188 for four courtesy a smashing 74 off only 43 balls by opener Murali Vijay and an useful 66 by S Badrinath and skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni's little cameo that fetched him 43 off only 20 balls.

The day however belonged to 27-year old Valthaty who had played for India colts during the early part of 2002 before an eye injury kept him out of cricket. Having played a couple of matches for Rajasthan Royals in an earlier edition with scant success, Valthaty has certainly shot into limelight like the lesser known players like Manish Pandey, Swapnil Asnodkar, Manpreet Singh Gony had doNe iN the earLieR editioNs.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

The ANna effect..!!

“He is Gandhiji's brother.” “No, he is Gandhiji's father. He is fasting to put an end to corruption.” “He is not Gandhiji's relative. He's a Gandhian.” This is what I heard from the cacophony of voices of a boisterous gang of boys when I asked, “Who is Anna Hazare?” The fourteen-year-olds from Thavathiru Santhalinga Adigalar Higher Secondary School were participating in a multi-faith prayer meeting organised by the Gandhian Organisations of Coimbatore.
Dr Kezevino Aram of Shanti Ashram and the Young Indians led the meeting in support of Anna Hazare's crusade against corruption.
The kids did not know who Anna Hazare was. Nor did they know what the Lokpal Bill meant. But they were sure of one thing: there was a battle on against corruption and they were taking part. Representatives of Shanti Ashram, Young Indians, Assisi Snehalaya, CADD Academy, COR Academy, G-18 Charitable Trust, Perur Atheenam, Gandhi Illam, North Sarvodaya Sangh, Gandhipuram Sarvodaya Sangh, Gandhi Study Centre, AIMMS Institute, United Jamath and Gandhi Museum gathered at Perur Padithurai, where the ashes of Gandhiji are preserved.
Not a soul stirred during the meeting – the gathering sat solemnly as though they were in the presence of Gandhiji himself. For many, the man with the white Gandhian cap in Delhi was Gandhiji's renascence.
N. Ranganathan of Shanti Ashram said, “He (Anna) looks like an elderly version of Gandhi.”
For the 75 year old, Anna's actions brought back memories of his younger days when he participated in the peace movement. “I accompanied Dr. Aram during the Delhi-Peking Peace march in 1963,” he recalled.
N. Markandan, coordinator of Mahatma Gandhi Study Centre, Kumaraguru College of Technology and former vice-chancellor of Gandhigram Rural University, spoke of his meeting with Anna Hazare in Bangalore in 1999. “I met him during the inauguration of Sarvodaya Maha Sangha. He spoke in Hindi and a friend of mine acted as our interpreter. I felt as though I was talking to Gandhiji.”
Gandhiji's favourite bhajans filled the air and participants took an oath not to take or give bribes at any cost. G.Vijayaragavan, assistant coordinator, Shanti Ashram, said that as a kid, he was so impressed with the thathuva padalgal of MGR and Rajinikanth that he wanted to do something for society when he grew up. “Which is why I joined Shanti Ashram,” he said. “Children tend to live by what they are taught at a very young age. They are our target. Now that they've taken an oath against bribery, I'm sure they'll think twice before bribing once they grow up.”
Back at VOC Park Grounds, Coimbatoreans arrived in droves to express their solidarity for Anna Hazare's movement. Voluntary organisations and trade and industrial bodies of the city had organised the meet. There was barely enough space to stretch one's arms.

Only a few days ago there was a packed political meeting here, but today's atmosphere, one participant felt, was something else.
Little Amoga, her grandmother Loganayaki and aunt Rajeswari had come all the way from Pollachi to take part.
Everybody, right from 72 year old Ganapathyappan to ten year old Shivani said that they wanted “to do something” against corruption.
Lakshmi, a mangoes and peanuts seller, was watching the proceedings from a distance. “I haven't sold anything today,” she lamented. “Everybody says they won't eat till the meeting is over.”

Thursday, 7 April 2011



Call from a Unknown Number is common but some calls are mysterious and Criminal in nature. So In this post; I will Explain in Detail to you about How to teach such callers a lesson which they will never-ever forget.....
When you Get a call from a unknown number first important thing to do is to note down the number !! After you note down the number follow these steps carefully:

~~~:: STEPS ::~~~
1. The first step is to Find the unknown number's Operator. For that you can take the help of Mobile number Tracing sites. Here are some usefull Links: - Mobile Number Location Trace - Trace Indian Mobile Location & Operator

Go to any of the above links; Type the Unknown number and note down the Results. The result will be the "Operator Name" and "State".

Suppose your Unknown number is 9876547892 : After Tracing we Get the Result : "Punjab" & "Airtel".

2. Now starts the Trick: Search for the Ten Digit customer care Number of the Unknown number; Every state has a different customer care number; so be careful.
[NOTE: Search for 10 Digit customer care Number]

In my case I should search for Punjab - Airtel's 10 digit customer care number.

3. After you find the 10 digit customer care number - Call the customer care from a different Operator (Different from the Unknown Numbers Operator)
Suppose the Unknown Number uses Airtel; You should call from other Operators SIM like BSNL, Reliance, Docomo, Idea or Vodafone

4. When connected the customer care opt you for Languge selection.

5. After Language selection they will ask you: Are you a current User of xxxxx operator??
So Press "YES" or say "YES"
In my case they will ask me Are you a current User of Airtel?? So i will say "Yes"

6. Now they will ask you to enter the 10 digit Mobile Number (UNKNOWN NUMBER)
In my case I will enter 9876547892

7. Now they will ask you to enter a password. So enter:- 1234
[1234 is the default password of sim card; Most of us do not change SIM Password so there is 95% success rate of 1234]

8. After you successfully enter the Password - Now its your turn to seek Revenge.

* You can Know the Balance and Validity
* Activate Caller tune services
* Activate other Packs or subscribe V.A.S
* And many other things.

~~: : : : IMPORTANT NOTE : : : : ~~
Don't use against INNOCENT people


Maharashtra & Goa
Airtel – Rest of Maharashtra
Airtel – Mumbai 98920-12345
BPL – Mumbai 98210-99800
BSNL – Rest of Maharashtra
Idea – Mumbai 97020-12345
Idea – Rest of Maharashtra
MTNL – Mumbai 98690-12345
Reliance – Rest of Maharashtra
Reliance – Mumbai 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Rest of Maharashtra
Tata Indicom – Mumbai
Tata Docomo- 90280-00121
Vodafone – Rest of Maharashtra
Vodafone – Mumbai 98200-98200
MTS – 9146125125 or 125125

Airtel 98100-12345
MTNL 98681-12345
Idea 98910-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92100-08282
Vodafone 98110-98110
Tata Docomo- 90320-12345
Videocon 121

Andaman & Nicobar
Airtel 99330-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333

Andhra Pradesh
Airtel 98490-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98480-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92460-08282
Vodafone 98850-98850

Airtel 99540-12345
Aircel 98540-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98640-98640
Stel – 9127012345 or 1212

Airtel 99340-12345
Aircel 98520-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98350-98350
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92340-08282
Tata Docomo- 90310-12345
Stel – 9128012345 or 1212

Airtel 98980-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98240-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92270-08282
Vodafone 98250-98250
Tata Docomo- 90330-12345

Airtel 98960-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98120-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92540-08282
Vodafone 98130-98130
Tata Docomo- 90340-12345
Videocon 9068012345

Himachal Pradesh
Airtel 98160-12345
Aircel 98570-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98820-12345
Reliance (GSM) 98170-98170
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92180-08282
Tata Docomo- 90350-12345
Stel – 9129012345 or 1212

Jammu & Kashmir
Airtel 99060-12345
Aircel 98580-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Stel – 9130012345 or 1212

Airtel 98450-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92430-08282
Spice 98440-98440
Vodafone 98860-98860
Tata Docomo- 90360-12345
Uninor- 90600-90600

Airtel (1800) 98950-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98470-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92490-08282
Vodafone (BPL) 98460-98460
Tata Docomo- 90370-12345

Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh
Airtel 98930-12345
& Chattisgarh BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98260-12345
Reliance (GSM) 98270-98270
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92290-08282
Tata Docomo- 90390-12345

North East
Airtel 98620-12345
Aircel 98560-98560
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98630-98630
Stel – 9131012345 or 1212

Airtel 99370-12345
Aircel 98530-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) 98610-98610
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92380-08282
Vodafone 97760-97760
Tata Docomo- 90400-12345
Stel – 9132012345 or 1212

Airtel 98150-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92170-08282
Spice 98140-12345
Vodafone 98880-98880
Tata Docomo- 90410-12345
Videocon 9653012345 and 121

Airtel 98290-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98870-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92140-08282
Vodafone 98280-98280
Tata Docomo- 90420-12345

Tamil Nadu
Airtel – Rest of Tamil Nadu
Airtel – Chennai 98400-12345
Aircel – Rest of Tamil Nadu
Aircel – Chennai 98410-12345
BSNL – Rest of Tamil Nadu
BSNL – Chennai 94000-24365
Reliance – Rest of Tamil Nadu
Reliance – Chennai 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Rest of Tamil Nadu
Tata Indicom – Chennai
Vodafone – Rest of Tamil Nadu
Videocon – 121 and 90800-12345
Tata Docomo- 90430-12345

Uttar Pradesh (E)
Airtel 99350-12345
BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98890-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92350-08282
Vodafone 98390-98390
Tata Docomo- 90440-12345

Uttar Pradesh (W)
Airtel 98970-12345
& Uttarkhand BSNL 94000-24365
Idea 98370-12345
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom 92190-08282
Vodafone 97190-97190
Tata Docomo- 90450-12345

West Bengal
Airtel – Kolkata 98310-12345
Airtel – Rest of Bengal 99330-12345
Aircel – Kolkata 98040-12345
Aircel – Rest of Bengal 98510-12345
BSNL – Kolkata 98830-98830
BSNL – Rest of Bengal 94000-24365
Reliance (GSM) – Kolkata
Reliance (GSM) – Rest of Bengal
Reliance 3033-3333
Tata Indicom – Kolkata
Tata Indicom – Rest of Bengal
Vodafone – Kolkata 98300-98300
Vodafone – Rest of Bengal
Tata Docomo- 90460-12345
( Kolkata 90380-12345 )

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

My bad, psychic poeM....

You laughed
when I spoke of my desire
to be immortal.
Your logical mind thought —
How could someone
so full of shit like me
ever be immortal?
But my stubborn soul leaves no room
for less of an aspiration.

I spoke of my desire
a lifetime ago.
You did not believe me.
And since then,
we have shared no more thoughts
or words or actions.
But I still plague your mind.
You still look for me in every corner.

Do you believe me now?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

How to say I LOVE You iN 100 LaNguages...

English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)                           
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo baashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarh ar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuththene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Maltese - Inhobbok
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te ubesk
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gradh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing 'I Love You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu'bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - Mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe

ONce a LiaR aLways a LiaR?

Will a Liar Ever Change?   

Being lied to by someone you love and felt you could trust is very painful and frustrating. You love your partner, so you find yourself forgiving his/her lies the first time, perhaps the second and third time as well, before you realize you are just involved with a liar. However, because you feel strongly for this person, it is not easy for you to break away, even though you know that is probably what is best for you. You hang on, with hope that things will change and he will not lie to you anymore. You justify staying with him by telling yourself that he is a good person and deep down you know he loves you- and that your relationship is wonderful and perfect- except when he lies.

What you need to ask yourself when this happens is: Do you consider a wonderful relationship one in which your partner lies to you? Is being lied to by a liar your idea of love and respect? When you are emotionally involved with someone, it is not always easy to ask and answer these logical questions. You often will make excuses for a liar, just to make yourself feel better about staying with someone who does not truly respect you. When your partner lies to you, it is because he does not respect you and is not as committed to the relationship as you would like to believe. Of course, there are different kinds of lies- little ones and big ones, but a lie is still a lie, no matter the size or reason for the lie. Look at it like this: if your partner can lie so easily over little things that are unnecessary to lie about, then you can be pretty sure that he/she will lie to you about bigger things that will really matter and damage the relationship.

What you need to ask yourself when this happens is: Do you consider a wonderful relationship one in which your partner lies to you? Is being lied to by a liar your idea of love and respect? When you are emotionally involved with someone, it is not always easy to ask and answer these logical questions. You often will make excuses for a liar, just to make yourself feel better about staying with someone who does not truly respect you. When your partner lies to you, it is because he does not respect you and is not as committed to the relationship as you would like to believe. Of course, there are different kinds of lies- little ones and big ones, but a lie is still a lie, no matter the size or reason for the lie. Look at it like this: if your partner can lie so easily over little things that are unnecessary to lie about, then you can be pretty sure that he/she will lie to you about bigger things that will really matter and damage the relationship.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Sakshi DhoNi – MRs. DhoNi – CeLebRity Photos

ChaK ditta INdia..!!

After a wait of 28 years, the dreams of a billion-plus Indian cricket fans were fulfilled when cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and his Men in Blue held the World Cup 2011 trophy aloft after a nail-biting finale. The whole country has erupted in joy and the appreciation (and  moolah) has rained down on the winning team and particularly on its captain.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

SL vs Eng: Sri LaNka cRush ENgLaNd to Reach WorLd Cup semifiNaL..

Sri Lanka booked a World Cup semifinal clash with New Zealand by inflicting a crushing ten-wicket defeat over England in their quarterfinal match in Colombo..

Sri Lanka reached the 230-run victory target in 39.3 overs with Tillakaratne Dilshan and Upul Tharanga hitting unbeaten centuries as England bowlers failed to make any breakthrough to dent the hosts run chase.

Dilshan's tenth ODI century, that came off 107 balls, was studded with 2 sixes and 9 fours.

Tharanga hit a six and 12 fours in his 11th ODI century that came off 122 balls.

Earlier, Jonathon Trott and Eoin Morgan hit contrasting half-centuries to help England reach a respectable 229/6.

The 29-year-old Trott finished with 86 and put on 91 for the fourth wicket with Morgan (50) after England, electing to bat in the day-night game, were reduced to 31/2 on a slow, flat pitch at R. Premadasa stadium.

Patience was the key word for Trott as he negotiated the four-pronged Sri Lankan spin attack but failed to lift the innings in the final overs as England managed just 23 in the batting power-play.

Trott fell in the 49th over, caught off spinner Muttiah Muralitharan who finished with 2/54 in what could be his last international match before retirement.

He hit only two boundaries off the 115 balls he faced as Sri Lanka's bowlers kept a tight line and length in the final 10 overs.

Trott had added 64 for the third wicket with Ravi Bopara (31) after England lost captain Andrew Strauss (five) and make-shift opener Ian Bell (25) by the ninth over.

He brought up his fourth half-century in the tournament with a reverse sweep off Tillakaratne Dilshan in the 33rd over.

Morgan, dropped at 16 off Ajantha Mendis, got two more lives when Angelo Mathews and Rangana Herath dropped him in the space of three balls in one Muralitharan over.

The 24-year-old left-hander completed his 11th half-century with a sharp single off Lasith Malinga but in the same over he miscued a lofted drive and was caught in the covers by Mathews.

Morgan hit four boundaries during his 55-ball knock.

SoMe KALOL with FootbaLL Now..!!!

RoNaLdo: oye vo deKh kudiaaN buLa Rahi hai.!!!!!!chaL chaLeiN ......

BeckhaM: chodh yaaR meRi patNi dekh Rahi hogi!!!!!

EARTH HOUR 2011.....

Saturday, March 26 · 8:30pm - 11:30pm

All over the world!


More Info

Earth Hour will take place on 26th March, 2011 from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Visit us at:

Like us at:

A global campaign with a simple message to switch off non essential lights for one hour, Earth Hour is a peoples’ movement on Climate Change, attracting governments, businesses, communities, men, women and children. A WWF initiative, Earth Hour has grown to become the largest environmental campaign in the history of our planet in just four years.

At 8:30pm on 26 March 2011, towns and cities across the world will turn off their lights for one hour. This year, we call for your support not just for an hour but to sustain your commitments and responsible actions beyond the hour. In 2011, let us make Earth Hour a self perpetuating drive that inspires us to correct the way we live, every single day.

Friday, 25 March 2011

GoD's LetteR...!!!!

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it.  Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.  


If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard privilege. 

Should you have a bad day at work; think of the man who has been out of work for years.  

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad; think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return. 

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend; think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children. 

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance; think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.  

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror; think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.  
Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities; remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!  

Should you decide to post this in uah BLOG; Thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know!  

Now, you have a nice day...

God   G..