Wednesday, 4 May 2011


DeaR GiRL,

This is the Right tiMe to wRite this LetteR to soMeoNe who is out theRe somewheRe. I wiLL fiNd you sooN, doNn woRRy.

WheN I wiLL see you foh the first tiMe, I assuRe you that you wiLL feel that M LookiNg deep iNto uah heaRt aNd yeah, I hope you woNn feeL eMbaRRassed wheN My cLothes woNn Look good aNd won’t be aNnoyed if I wiLL take you to a gardeN instead of a Movie as a date.

I feeL, you wiLL Love Me despite My probLeMs that NoNe kNows yet, aNd if you waNn to go foR a diNneR, do Let Me kNow few weeKs befoRe because, to be fraNk, I waNt to make you feeL speciaL oveR theRe aNd comfoRtabLe iN My aRMs – I wiLL pLaN best foh you eveRy tiMe.

Yes, few moRe thiNgs pLease kNow- eveN if I act weaK, pLease hoLd My haNd because with each of youR touch, I get puRe aNd if I act stRoNg, Please, stiLL hoLd My haNd because you aRe the oNLy ReasoN behiNd My coNfideNce.

I PRoMise to be youRs, but as you kNow, I caNn be with you aLL the tiMe. And yes, pLease NeveR foRce Me to say ‘I Miss you’ iN froNt of aLL, you kNow that’s so eMbaRRassing, because I Miss you eveRy secoNd. But yes, I wiLL surely say ‘I LOVE YOU’ iN fRoNt of eveRyoNe, because that’s obvious aNd I woNn hide this tRuth.

I wiLL suReLy take care of you and youR Respect MoRe thaN MiNe.

We wiLL waLk sLowLy oN the Road wheRe the tRees wiLL Make a tuNNeL, suRRouNdiNg us aNd isoLatiNg us iN ouR owN smaLL LittLe woRLd. ANd pLease, pLease doNn put Makeup, because oNLy I kNow uah tRue beauty.

ANd theN, at that eveRy MoMeNt, I wiLL stop aNd wiLL Look deep iNto youR eyes, aNd wiLL geNtLy bRush back youR haiRs aNd wiLL teLL how Much I LOVE YOU!!

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