Tuesday, 26 April 2011

ANd She Left....:(:(

  M No MoRe oN aNy sociaL NetwoRkiNg websites. No taLkiNg teRms with aNyoNe. No RoaMiNg ARouNd uNnecessaRiLy aNd caN just say that afteR a veRy LoNg time The Tiger is shatteRed iNto pieces !!!! I doNn kNow wheN we got cLose why we got cLose buh each LooK of heR is so seeN iN eyes. M just so MuddLed that caNnt decide to eat or dRiNk wateR FRoM FRidge oR siNk. It's the heaRt which pLays with you and shit it was Me the victim this time. Why me ???? I so waNted to know but didn't had the baLLs of the saMe TigeR to asK heR WHY !! The Last Look of heRs was so NuMb. She couLdN't say a woRd but LateR which huRt Me More was the way she denied that what aLL happeNed. CaN uNdeRstaNd that it might wouLd be tough for her to say oR accept that but siLeNce wouLd have beeN betteR thaN deNyiNg. But it's just Me a LOOSER who woNn foRget this EVER. ANd I MeaN it. BeiNg MyseLf was somethiNg which I had the best aNd peopLe LooKed upoN Me that how caN He igNoRe eveRythiNg just like that, Now aNyoNe LooKs at Me is asking ALL GOOD ? aNd M just NUMB Like a Looser a dick which has beeN chopped aNd has beeN throwN iNto the bLack wateR wheRe the piRates goNna sLap My dicK eveRy secoNd aNd Make fuN of Me. I thiNk I deseRve this as weLL :)
It was a LoNg time that everythiNg was just TOO GOOD but twist was RequiRed. M ListeNiNg to Music aNd wheN Not am cRyiNg, wRitiNg heRe is just Like iNfoRmiNg heR that aM soRRy if you feLt that M Not the oNe foR you but she couLd have asKed Me oNce aNd shouLdN't have Lied. She has aLReady staRted igNoRiNg Me. DistaNces Makes LOVE GRoW STRoNgeR is what I thought TIMES BACK but Now this distaNce is goNna make a good maRk iN My Life which I woNn be eveR abLe to ReMove just Like the thiNg goes that I was oNce a stupid feLLow who was fouNd RidiNg a bike oN oNe wheeL. She kNows that I wRite soMetiMes but Last time I heaRd that it's beeN so LoNg you haveN't wRitteN aNythiNg and I just said that you aRe aLways cLoudiNg My MiNd aNd I just caNn do aNythiNg. Today heRe thoughts aRe MoRe thaN eveR but with a bad time a bad me aNd My bad LucK is agaiN just showN how awesome it caN be :)
I Miss you Now MoRe thaN aNythiNg I haVe eveR doNe aNd moviNg oN is a paRt of Life but this is the abNoRMaL Life of Me. YOU WILL BE BADLY MISSED......!!

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