Tuesday 26 April 2011

!!.FighT with soMeoNe..!!

We are fightiNg.....
IN aN uNkNowN woRLd,
A foetus is dReaMiNg Life,
With a desiRe to see the woRLd outside...
ANd outside, we aRe fightiNg.....
IN the busy woRLd,
AN iNfaNt is seaRchiNg LOVE,
That’s a MotheR's PRide....
ANd MotheR, she is fightiNg.....
IN his owN woRLd,
A kid is LookiNg foR a haNd,
That suppoRts to waLk.....
And that suppoRt, the haNd is fightiNg.....
IN a New woRLd,
A teeN is fiNdiNg fRieNds,
They aRe the most tRusted oNes…
ANd fRieNds, they are fightiNg…..
Most aMaziNgLy,
The pLaNet is uNdergoiNg the Lack of strReNgth,
That assuRes joy foR aLL…
And that stReNgth, iNvoLved iN fightiNg…!!!
SoMe aRe fightiNg because…
They doNn Like otheRs, they have theiR ego,
They Live Low…
Some are fightiNg because…
They Need space, they Need poweR,
Not awaRe of the NaturaL oNes…
Fight for a gReat cause….
StaNd foh the uLtiMate achieveMeNt,
StaRt fightiNg Now…
Fight to maKe the aLive oNes, Not the dead oNes…
Fight to LOVE soMeoNe, a woRd is Not eNough…
Fight as a guide, Not just a NaMe…
Fight foR the GReeN, a LittLe is daNgeRous…
StaRt fightiNg……..
BefoRe it’s too late !!!

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