Saturday 16 April 2011

..ENjoy Life BefoRe it ENjoys you coMpLeteLy......!!:)

..NeveR expext fRoM God...

You aRe Not the oNLy deVotee..

..NeveR expect fRoM Life.

It is Not foReveR..

NeveR expect froM destiNy.

It might betRay you..

NeveR expect fRoM youR famiLy.

EveRythNng is Not foh gRaNted..

NeveR expect fRoM youR fRieNds.

They Might have theiR owN desiRes..

EveN doNn expect fRoM youRseLf..

You Might Be wRoNg!!

It is betteR you woRk haRd...

FoLLow the right path..

ANd eaRN youR expectatioNs..!!


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