WaLkiNg alone is not difficult...
But after haviNg " Walked a mile with someone "
"ComiNg back alone" is more difficult ..
It is the feeling of being rejected .
It is the feeling of beiNg betrayed .
You imagine another world with them, where you see yourself with them, always. Atleast my heart feels, ' There had beeN a problem with me only . '
We ourselves become the real culprit ultimately by cursing ourseves... The truth is, when you live with the same words, ' SoRRy.. We caN't stay together.. We have to stop it..' Surrender you all the time, NOBODY, yes, NOBODY on this planet is affected.... Colours shine, Sun rises & the Stars 'TWINKLE.' ONe thing happens for sure - You forget to laugh and live the life...
I hate being nice and true and still being betrayed. I hate beiNg simple and trust worthy and still listeing to your lies as truths. I hate beiNg caring and still expecting from you, who had absolutley nothing inside their heart to actualy care about me....
I sacrifised myself for her, and she left telling her helplessness....
My life is swinging in a storm.
Clouds are thuNderRng, WiNds are blowing fast.
In my own eyes, I am seraching for an edge.
I miss hearing her voice, I miss seeing her smiling, but most of all I miss her!
I kNow, she will remember me , wheN someone will leave her...
Wish, There was someone to listen depressed stories of my sad heart......
~ Now, I will have to live like this, I smile, when I think like that.

"ComiNg back alone" is more difficult ..
It is the feeling of being rejected .
It is the feeling of beiNg betrayed .
You imagine another world with them, where you see yourself with them, always. Atleast my heart feels, ' There had beeN a problem with me only . '
We ourselves become the real culprit ultimately by cursing ourseves... The truth is, when you live with the same words, ' SoRRy.. We caN't stay together.. We have to stop it..' Surrender you all the time, NOBODY, yes, NOBODY on this planet is affected.... Colours shine, Sun rises & the Stars 'TWINKLE.' ONe thing happens for sure - You forget to laugh and live the life...
I hate being nice and true and still being betrayed. I hate beiNg simple and trust worthy and still listeing to your lies as truths. I hate beiNg caring and still expecting from you, who had absolutley nothing inside their heart to actualy care about me....
I sacrifised myself for her, and she left telling her helplessness....
My life is swinging in a storm.
Clouds are thuNderRng, WiNds are blowing fast.
In my own eyes, I am seraching for an edge.
I miss hearing her voice, I miss seeing her smiling, but most of all I miss her!
I kNow, she will remember me , wheN someone will leave her...
Wish, There was someone to listen depressed stories of my sad heart......
~ Now, I will have to live like this, I smile, when I think like that.
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