Thursday 23 August 2012

The SMS conversation !!

‘Hey’,  I texted her at 8:30 pm.

‘Message Sent Successfully’ - The screen displayed.

A shiver of chill ran down my body, as I didn’t plan to share this with anyone..... I was not tensed, but was thinking,  how my girl would react on my decision...

‘Delivered to - ’- TANIYA beeped my NOKIA X2 phone.

I checked my phone at least for couple of times in every 30 seconds. No replies.

I waited and thought about millions of possibilities that could be the reasons for not replying. Had she read message ? Was she busy ? Hope, her mom has not seen the phone....  I went to balcony, I went to roof, and I went to street - so that I could get the best of the network.... But, none worked.  ‘She is my girlfriend... DAMIT !!’ roared my mind every time I checked my phone. 

It was 9:45 pm and I didn’t get any of her reply. A thought of calling her passed across my mind. Checking the time, it was impossible to call her so as to keep her out of any kind of trouble. I looked up in the sky and wished !!!! It was my day or maybe, it was by God’s grace that night, my phone beeped at 9:57 pm. It was her.

‘Hi.. Sry 2 reply late. I was bsy.’

As her boyfriend, I could never stop myself sending her an instant reply. I love her !!

‘Hey. It’s Ok. Hope u r done with uah dinner ?’

‘Yea…ssup ur side?’
‘Nothing much..... Jst ended up wtchng TV. So, Wot r u doin?’

‘Same here... Tired. Off 2 bed’

‘Oh. So u mst b sleepy ?? No probs... Good nite baby, Love you :) :)

‘No, no prob at ol. I can talk... You say, wht r u doin?’

‘I was actually planning smthng.’

‘Say na..,?’

‘Baby.. I was wondering, that I shud write a book.. I donn knw how it came to my mind, but, I want to…’

‘That’s a brilliant idea sweet heart ! J
You are a brilliant writer... U write so well and naughty at times. Loved your idea baby ...
Go for it, I m wid u.’

‘Thank you. But I doNt knw hww to start. How to do it.’

‘Just start up, I am with you. U will do it, I kNow. GO FOR IT . JUST DO IT :* ’

‘Thank u baby. Love you J ’

‘Acha , I m sleepy abi.. and relax. Your babu is wid u , we will do it. Love you. Good night. Miss you J ’

‘Good nyt. Love you 2 ’

Putting my head on the pillow, I decided , I will write one day and I am sure, you will be  reading it  :) :)

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