Sunday 3 June 2012

SileNce is Not SadNess !!

SoMetimes, silence doesN't mean sadness... Silence means that someoNe is threading some new thought , idea or a plan. And for most of the times, these plans and ideas are really tough to make up that we start reacting weared many a times.... But oNce they are being decided, life doesN't take time to change after ! I was today listening to a song whose lyrics goes like - "ANdhere kahin jamm na jayen, Ujaale baant lo !"  (Before the daRkNess stick along, share the lights )...... The lyrics had a beautiful meaning that says if their some sadness, before it grows, share the same with anyone, let it be your friend, parents, brother or a sister..... You two can then share a solution, the light, soon ! But if you Not sad, do Not act like one !! - this sucks if you feel you can live in society gaining the sympathy of the people. If something fishy is cooking in uah mind, go ahead and let it cook !!!
 Maybe its going to affect SoMeoNe's Life or yours !?!

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