Thursday 3 May 2012

I'm LoNg GoNe....

I do Not wish to biNd you,
if you doN't wish to be bouNd,ANd if you FiNd you Need me, you kNow wheRe I'll be FouNd,
SomewheRe iN your dreaming, I will wait without a SouNd !

I haveN't asked foh aNythiNg, I've given all I have freely,
Seems that wasN't enough for you, and foh that I am SoRRy,
You've come and gone so often, I thiNk it's time for you to see !

LoviNg is a two way street, and so I caN't be holding oN,
So Next time you come kNockiNg Baby, you'll find that I'm LoNg GoNe.........

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