Friday, 18 May 2012

WoRLd's best FeeLiNg :)

Sometimes, it happens that you want the world to be on one side and you wish to be in your own WoRLd...

This is the most wonderful time of the life when you take the life-changing decisions. You sometimes cherish the old memories; the sweetest of all & then, only one thought strucks into your mind while going through them !!

You just stop thinking about your own world at that momemt, and at that very moment, you realise, what was the importance of it in your life. Sometime, you feel guilt about the same. 

Maybe (A stronger one) , you never wanted it to go it like that way!
Then , you wish only one thing, to go back and change the things like the way you want it now..

The time passes, but you never realise it ~ this is probably the best feeling you can get!!

Now, just go to the top of this post, Cherish the best of your life; your love ,your life, your friends,your family & you - the yourself ! 

Enjoy the Feeling...... :P : )

Friday, 4 May 2012

I Can Crush Curves With Your Smile

With the beauty of your smile,

My Heart runs mile after mile,

Step by step you're swelling my isle,

Let's walk together and make our journey worthwile,

~ Life's NothiNg but a sinusoidal line flowing moment by moment ; curve by curve .But when you have a lovable soul standing beside you, there's a power in yourself to crush those curves....

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Sun seems Brighter and waves of feelings switches me in parts as I make someone special smile from the core of their heart... Go on, make an effort for there's not a feeling as great as making this art .... :) :)

Thursday, 3 May 2012

I'm LoNg GoNe....

I do Not wish to biNd you,
if you doN't wish to be bouNd,ANd if you FiNd you Need me, you kNow wheRe I'll be FouNd,
SomewheRe iN your dreaming, I will wait without a SouNd !

I haveN't asked foh aNythiNg, I've given all I have freely,
Seems that wasN't enough for you, and foh that I am SoRRy,
You've come and gone so often, I thiNk it's time for you to see !

LoviNg is a two way street, and so I caN't be holding oN,
So Next time you come kNockiNg Baby, you'll find that I'm LoNg GoNe.........