That EveNiNg, AN ANgeL took me to the heaveN . At that PaRticular MoMeNt, I felt, God himself has fallen iNto Love with two of us. He made this day exclusively foh two of us.
The heaveN Looked like a garden wheRe the fouNtaiNs, beautifully decoRated with Lights, the TRees; each staNdiNg for some purpose, and the FLoweRs and the most special flower; all were in front of my eyes.
I PReseNted a small token of love to thank her for coming.
We walked aNd talked. We shaRed . We staRed into each other’s eyes with Love for hours. Her shining eyes presented a charm of love. I felt so proud and confident in her company. I read her a few lines which I wrote especially for her.
We stood by oNe of the fouNtaiNs wheRe Small dRopLets of wateR , PRobably, it was Nectar, that touched ouR Faces so softly as if a flying bird waNted to say something to us. Few dRops settled upoN heR eyelashes, and that very moment, I saw her and was completely lost in her. I didn’t listen anything and read it from her eyes, that she wanted me to always stand with her, not matter what!
I went closer to her, & to ensure her that I will be for her always, I gave her a hug. She SmiLed. Ahhh… She took away my heart with that !
We started walking again and I didn't know when we were inside the dark woods. She then, slowly filled the spaces between my fingers with hers. She completed my world with that !
I Looked at heR & She SLowLy made heR wet EyeLashes kiss each other , UNdoubtedly with the most RoMaNtic way, AssuRiNg me that she is with me, always !
We talked about our lives we want to share with each other . Knowingly or Unknowingly, I felt her heartbeats. I kept looking at heR while she was talking. I Loved the ways she said me eveRything. That second, I felt , all the happiNess is Right now, staNding in FRoNt of me !

She felt shy and so INNoceNtly she CLosed heR eyes.
“This is what makes me love you more..”
We theN, ReLived the MoMeNts, FRoM wheRe we StaRted. I Looked up towaRds the sky, thaNking HIM, foh heR.
~ 'MeMoRies' - the ONLy Gift, She PReseNted to Me !
.....What so eveR happeNed LateR, but oNe thiNg I still feel , those days weRe Good !
' ReaL MaN NeveR stops TRyiNg to show a GiRL how much she MeaNs to him, EveN AfteR he get heR & ReaL WoMeN shouLd be the oNe who wouLd Respect these FeeLiNgs..!! :) :)